

Please be advised that the following instructions may have undergone some changes due to the third-party software and plugin updates.

If you are using the open-source TYPO3 for your enterprise’s content management system, you care about performance. Touted as a flexible and scalable CMS for websites and mobile apps, combining TYPO3 with Universal CDN helps you further enhance the performance TYPO3 affords.

This tutorial will show you how to use the TYPO3 CMS bootstrap package to integrate Universal CDN into your TYPO3 content management system. Follow the steps outlined below: 

1. Log in to the Typo3 control panel. 

2. In Admin Tools, select “Extension manager“. From the dropdown menu, select “Get Extensions“.

3. In the search field, enter “Replace Content” and press the Enter key. Once the search for the extension is done, click on the Import and Install icon next to version 2.0.4

4. In your sidebar, select Template. Then select the option “Info/Modify” from the dropdown menu. Add the following code in the Constants field:

config.tx_replacecontent {
host = 11131-7.b.cdn12.com
schema = http://

Please check your CDN configuration settings in the Universal Control Panel for the assigned domain/host (e.g. 11131-7.b.cdn12.com) to your CDN zone.

5. Add the following code in the Setup field:

config.tx_replacecontent {
        search {
            1 = #(src|href|data-src|data-small|data-large|data-medium)=("|')(/?)([^/]*/)?(typo3temp|fileadmin|uploads|typo3conf)/#
        replace {
            1 = $1=$2{$config.tx_replacecontent.schema}{$config.tx_replacecontent.host}/$4$5/

6. Save the settings.

Please note the above code of extension Replace Content 2.0.4 successfully serves all static files through Universal CDN with the CMS TYPO3 8.7.1.