Purge Files

Purge Files From CDN Caches

Purging a file is required when you have changed or deleted a file on your origin, but the previous (old) version of the file is still cached and served by the CDN edge servers.

Universal CDN allows you to purge the content from the Control Panel or by using our API

To purge a file cached by the CDN edge servers from the Universal CDN Control Panel, follow the steps outlined below: 

1. Log in to the Universal CDN Control Panel at my.ucdn.com

2. Navigate to the Purge Files tab located in the top left corner. 

3. On the drop-down menu select the zone from which the file should be purged or specify the full URL to the file.

4. Click on the Purge Files button. 

If you have not chosen a zone, you should enter the full URL to the file:


If you have already specified a zone from the list, you should omit the domain name:


You can monitor the purge jobs that were created by scrolling down to the Purge job list. 

For detailed information on purging files through the Universal CDN API, click here!



My Zones


