
The ​eCommerce platform Magento has the ability to utilize CDN functionality without the need for a 3rd party plugin.

To integrate Universal CDN ​services with Magento’s native support (version 2.3.2), follow the steps outlined below:

1. Log into the admin panel of your website.

2. Go to the Stores ⇒ Configuration.

3. Under “General” section, select the “Web” option.

4. Navigate to“Base URL’s” section.

5. Follow the instructions outlined below:

Base URL:
Specify URL or Set the Base URL placeholder. The URL should be is in the following format:

Base link URL
: Should enter the same URL as in the “Base URL” field.

Base URL for Static View Files
: Should leave this field empty.

Base URL for Media Files:
Enter the URL of your CDN zone (placeholder) or the CNAME added to that zone followed by the right folder ( or

​Do not forget to replace the zone domain of the Universal CDN with the actual URL of your Universal CDN zone and the with the actual domain of your website!

After making the configuration changes, you can check if the URLs are being rewritten by loading your website and reviewing the source code of your page by using the browser’s developer tools. For additional information go to Browser Dev Tools.